
A low-carb diet is one that restricts the consumption of carb-heavy food and drinks (such as juices, beer and sugary sodas), on the basis you replace them with other nutrient-dense ingredients. With less carbs for energy, the body is forced to turn to its fat stores and convert fat into energy instead.
最早的低碳水饮食法可追溯到美国医生罗伯特·阿特金斯(Robert Atkins)于1970年提出的阿特金斯饮食法。

与阿特金斯饮食法类似,最近几年非常流行的生酮饮食(Ketogenic Diet)也是低碳饮食的一种,即饮食中包括75%的脂肪,20%的蛋白质和5%的碳水化合物。
低碳水饮食、生酮饮食、碱性饮食、间歇性禁食……如今,时尚饮食(fad diet)已经成为普遍现象,并通过社交媒体和名人效应流行起来。但这些饮食习惯对身体的长期影响值得引起注意。
Generally, fad diets sell easy and quick weight loss. However, despite their appeal, the long-term effects of these diets on overall health and sustainability are often questionable.
Due to such a restrictive diet, you are more prone to nutritional deficiencies. You might look lean physically but your hair, skin, and nail health will take a toss.

全球最权威的医学期刊《柳叶刀》子刊《柳叶刀公共卫生》(The Lancet Public Health)早在2018年发表的一项研究称,低碳水化合物饮食会缩短预期寿命。
The peer-reviewed research published in the medical journal 'The Lancet Public Health' suggests low and high-carb diets could shorten life, and diets including some carbs could promote a healthy lifespan.
这研究项长达25年,超过43万人。该研究的合著者、来自哈佛陈曾熙公共卫生学院(Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health)的Walter Willett说:
'These findings bring together several strands that have been controversial. Too much and too little carbohydrate can be harmful but what counts most is the type of fat, protein, and carbohydrate.'

❶ 便秘
One reason for this is a lack of fiber due to minimal grains and beans, which are high-fiber foods that are also reasonably high in carbohydrates and so often avoided on low-carb diets.
❷ 疲劳
Low-calorie diets, in general, can also lead to fatigue, so be sure that you are not eating too few calories to support your lifestyle. If weight loss is your goal, a calorie deficit is required, but one that is too extreme can have the opposite effect, reducing your total daily energy expenditure and slowing your metabolism.

❸ 肌肉痉挛
Whole grains are an excellent source of these minerals, and excluding them from your diet may lead to deficiencies and resulting side effects. When you lower carbohydrates, your body will carry less water due to how carbs interact with glycogen and water storage. Losing a lot of body water may also result in a loss of these minerals.
❹ 口臭
On very low carbohydrate diets, your body switches to ketones for fuel in the absence of preferred glycogen. These ketones are removed through urination and exhalation. The exhalation of ketones may be the cause of bad breath.

❺ 运动表现降低
Low carbohydrate diets provide little in the way of glycogen energy stores, the body’s preferred source for fueling activity. You may notice a substantial drop in your ability to perform during exercise, sports, and training activities.
在今年美国新闻与世界报道网站(US News & World Report)发布的一年一度“最佳饮食榜单”中,有几种饮食方法可以作为丰富饮食模式的参考选项。
❶ 弹性素食(Flexitarian Diet)
Focus on non-meat proteins, like beans, peas or eggs.
Include fruits, veggies, whole grains, dairy and seasonings.
Gradually reduce meat portions and increase meat-free days per week during each stage. (Tip: If you're craving meat, you can replace traditional meat with plant-based meat alternatives, such as veggie burgers.)
Follow at your own pace by either jumping in or easing in.

❷得舒饮食(DASH Diet)
得舒饮食是英文缩写DASH(Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)的音译词,意为“停止高血压的饮食法”。这种饮食方式要求食用者多吃蔬菜、水果、全谷物、精益蛋白质等,以保证摄入足够的钾、镁、钙等元素和食物纤维,从而达到降低血压的目的。
The DASH diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and low-fat dairy, which are high in blood pressure-lowering nutrients, like potassium, calcium, magnesium and fiber.